Venus In Scorpio Means It’s Time To Embrace Your Desires

Venus In Scorpio Means It’s Time To Embrace Your Desires

Venus in Scorpio is a very passionate place. When Venus is in Scorpio, we embrace our desires head on and we do not hold back when it comes to how we feel. Those we care about will give us their full and direct attention. This is not a time when people hold back their affection for others.

Venus is considered to be in detriment when it is in Scorpio because it is not at ease in this sign. But Venus is also dignified in Taurus, the opposite sign of Scorpio. As the Planet of Love, Venus is not fond of exerting too much effort. However, when Venus is in Scorpio, a sign governed by Mars and Pluto, it tends to become more fixated and determined to achieve its objectives: Venus is more zealous in captivating and consuming others when it resides in the fixed water sign.

When Venus is in Scorpio, we embrace our desires head on and we do not hold back when it comes to how we feel.

Venus’s stint in Scorpio lasts from December 4 to 29. At this time relationships will go through a significant transformation. Love takes center stage, but Venus in Scorpio is also about commitment, and the way in which we choose to commit can evolve during this period. Venus’ transit in Scorpio allows relationships to stand the test of time.

Through partnerships, we have the opportunity to discover our preferences and dislikes, which can enable us to become an improved and distinct versions of ourselves. However, we may also become possessive and clingy, so it’s crucial to give our partners the autonomy they deserve and understand that they have the freedom to make their own decisions. Giving them space and respecting their choices are equally important.

When it comes to sex, Venus in Scorpio likes it hot! This planetary placement will tie you down, tie you up, and tie you around — nothing is off limits as long as it’s consensual. It doesn’t hold back when expressing wants and needs in the bedroom. It will have a direct nature that will allow people and their partners to understand how to fulfill their sexual yearnings.

Fantasies become a reality because both parties want to please each other and won’t hold back. Sexual fulfillment is essential to Venus in Scorpio, and they will do all they can to ensure their partner is having a good time. As long as the sex is enjoyable and pleasurable, Venus in Scorpio will add a dose of intensity to the bedroom. So bust out the handcuffs and have fun.

This isn’t a transit for the light-hearted. If you have an extreme emotional connection to the person you are crushing on or your significant other, then up your game. Don’t resist the urge to keep your feelings to yourself. Your heart has no depths, like the scorpion who crawls to the bottom of the ocean.

Be careful not to upset Venus in Scorpio, as they are prone to unleashing their stingers and hurting those deeply who defy the emotional vibe. Venus in Scorpio is not known for their forgiveness, and once you have wronged them, it will cut you out and move on without looking back: the scorpion is protective of itself and those it cares about.

The Seven of Cups in tarot is associated with Venus in Scorpio. This planetary connection is fitting as it symbolizes temptation and choice. It also reminds us to be mindful of our impulsive actions, and to see through the illusions we tell ourselves as well as others. The card presents us with the opportunity to step back from emotionally charged situations and consider our options, allowing us to act in a way that is beneficial for both ourselves and those around us.

Venus’ journey in Scorpio this year is expected to bring intense emotions due to the opposition with Jupiter in Taurus. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus will activate Venus in Scorpio, leading to transformative experiences that may include breakups and breakthroughs, ultimately leading to improved relationships.

The presence of Neptune in Pisces will also ignite Venus in Scorpio, causing love to feel like a fairy tale until we face the harsh reality of people and situations. To maintain healthy relationships, it’s important to accept people for who they are and not try to control their feelings or dominate them —  a sentiment that Pluto brings to the mix. Let’s embrace our differences and celebrate our individuality, without the need to control others.

Key Dates:

December 4: Venus enters Scorpio, adding intensity, drama, and mystery to our hearts.

December 5: Venus harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, allowing us to make informed decisions in our financial and love lives.

December 9: With Venus opposing Jupiter in Taurus, we all have a desire to express our deepest sentiments and strive for a fulfilling life.

December 21: Venus and Uranus in Taurus aspect each other, heightening the need to be free and create our own story. In our romantic lives, we shouldn’t have to answer to anyone regarding the type of relationship we want and need.

December 25: Venus and Neptune in Pisces connect, transforming love into a stunning masterpiece. However, it’s important to be wary of deceitful intentions regarding money and dishonesty that others may present. Stay alert to avoid falling prey to such situations.

December 29: Venus and Pluto in Capricorn link up; by adding a third person to a relationship, we may unintentionally invite power struggles into the dynamic. As a result, we may feel lost and confused, unsure of which direction to take. It’s important to approach these situations with clear communication and a willingness to work through any challenges that arise.

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