I’m 39, I Make $98,300 & I’m Having A Horrible Week Of Sleep

I’m 39, I Make ,300 & I’m Having A Horrible Week Of Sleep

Occupation: Front office manager
Industry: Education
Age: 39
Location: Portland, OR
Salary: $98,300, plus monthly variable side hustle checks (estimated average: $300).
Assets: HYSA: $20,996; savings: $10,735; checking: ~$11,000; estimated condo value: $230,000; Roth IRA: $56,306; retirement account for public employees: $37,495; estimated car value: $1,675
Debt: $149,808 balance on mortgage
Paycheck Amount (Biweekly): $2,350
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Monthly Housing Costs: $1,564.36. The breakdown is: monthly mortgage payment: $1,000 ($856 loan payment/$144 to principal); HOA dues: $564.36. I live alone.
Monthly Loan Payments: $0
All Other Monthly Expenses
Payday Savings Transfer: $1,029.17 ($475 deposited biweekly/26 times annually, averaged out to monthly); $200 of that monthly amount is set up to automatically transfer from my traditional savings account to my HYSA.
Recurring Donations: $26
Hulu: $17.99
Apple iCloud: $2.99
Apple+ MLS Pass: $17.42 (average)
Planet Fitness: $13.25 (monthly fee + annual fee averaged)
HBO Max: $15.99
Internet: $101
Pet Health Plans: $89.90
Spotify: $11.99
Kindle Unlimited: $13.03
Pet Meds: $75
Phone: $68.01
Walmart+: $8.16 (annual fee averaged)
Electrical Bill: $109 (averaged)
Home & Auto insurance: $103.42 (paid annually to get a discount, averaged out)
Roth IRA Contribution: $583 (average)

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