We’ve found the perfect venue for those dramatic clifftop wedding photos

We’ve found the perfect venue for those dramatic clifftop wedding photos

Penn Castle Estate is home to an impressive Gothic Revival mansion on the Isle of Portland. With uninterrupted clifftop views of the Jurassic Coast, the castle is the ideal background for those dramatic photo moments of an intimate wedding, multi-generational trip or getaway with friends.

The Jurassic Coast in Dorset is one of the UK’s leading staycation spots, with its wild and rugged coastline, diverse terrine and abundance of charming towns and villages. It’s also England’s only natural World Heritage Site, inscribed by UNESCO for the Outstanding Universal Value of its rocks, fossils, and landforms. The Isle of Portland, known as ‘explorer’s island’ and the home of the Pennsylvania Castle Estate, is a largely unspoilt spot along the coast at Dorset’s most southern point. 

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