Your Horoscope This Week: April 30 to May 6, 2023

Your Horoscope This Week: April 30 to May 6, 2023

Eclipse season is at its peak this week, and Pluto retrograde begins on May 1, so this is your sign to keep your schedule light and focus on presence. Taurus season keeps going strong, and Mercury’s continued retrograde in Taurus is highlighting a collective need for restructuring, grounding, and self-awareness. 

The Scorpio eclipse strikes at 1:34 p.m. EST on May 5, but its energy will be felt as soon as the week begins. Life will be more emotionally-charged, passionate, mysterious, and somewhat dramatic. Many of us may be feeling like an active volcano. On a personal and societal level, many truths will be exposed, as lunar eclipses tend to reveal what was once hidden.

As a contrast to the Scorpionic energy coursing through the cosmos, Venus spends its final stretch in Gemini, and this brings much-needed airiness into this season’s astro climate. Instead of snapping at everyone who gets on your nerves this week, practice taking conscious breaths, and perhaps taking more consistent naps.

Be sure to read your scopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, now that your birthday season is behind you, you’re embracing your metamorphosis and feeling quite Phoenix-like. This week’s Scorpio lunar eclipse takes your transformation to the next level, especially when it has to do with intimacy and financial mergers. Either a relationship will be cemented, or completely re-evaluated this week. Face your feelings so you can move past them.

Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius is another cosmic highlight, and it activates your sector of friendship and social networks. These next five months will have you re-evaluating many of your priorities in the digital and social space. You may feel more hermit-like as the month of May begins, and that can help you be more deeply attuned to your subconscious needs.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, celebrating one’s birthday during eclipse season is not for the weak. Life isn’t necessarily light and rosy for you right now. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 will be intensely felt as soon as the month of May begins. The eclipse activates your sector of marriage and partnership, meaning it’s time to face your own shadows as well as those of your partner(s) — whether you want to or not.

Fortunately, your planetary ruler, Venus is spending its final six days in the sign of Gemini, and since Gemini energy is about light-heartedness and curiosity, you’ll be able to laugh through the discomforts of eclipse season, especially since Mercury is retrograde in your sign until the 14th. 

This week will feel humorous and sometimes exasperating, but it’s all part of life. You’ll make it through like you always do.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, as much as you may want to be low-key this week, you may find yourself caught up in psychoanalysis of yourself and those around you. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on the 5th will be intensely felt as soon as the week begins. Since it’s activating your sector of health and service, you might find yourself more obsessive than usual. It’s best to get to the bottom of what you’re obsessing about rather than pretend that it’s not happening.

Pluto begins its five-month retrograde in Aquarius this week, and — when combined with your planetary ruler, Mercury, also being retrograde — you’ll spend much of this week reflecting on the past, and could get caught up in “coulda, shoulda, woulda” mindsets. Now that you know better, move better.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, this week’s powerful lunar eclipse in Scorpio activates your sector of fate, fame, and true love. If you’ve been meaning to pursue a creative career or hobby, you’ll feel fully motivated to take that leap, and it’s likely to pay off by Scorpio season of this year.

With Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius highlighting your sector of depth and intimacy for the next five months, you’ll find yourself seeking spiritual support as you navigate this next stage of your life. But since Mercury, the planet of communication, is currently retrograde too, make sure you’re not hitting people up from your past out of loneliness, but rather from a genuine desire to reconnect and evolve together. Trust your instincts on this one.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, just as you were taking in the downloads from the solar eclipse that took place two weeks ago, you’re now met with the culminating passion of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Your sector of home, the past, and your roots is activated — you may currently be seeking a sense of closure, or working your way through deep grief.

As much as you’re known for being the ray of sunshine in everyone’s life, the start of Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius (activating your partnership sector) may lead to you feeling more emotionally detached this week, and even these next few months. Trust that this is all part of your metamorphosis. Look inward — your spirit’s calling your name. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, whatever emotions you’ve been avoiding, neglecting, or denying will pour out of you this week, whether you’re ready for this or not. The Scorpio lunar eclipse is lighting up your sector of communication and self-expression. Your throat chakra will be tingling, but since your planetary ruler Mercury will be retrograde during the eclipse, you may benefit from pouring your feelings out to your therapist or writing them in your journal first. 

The start of Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius on Monday signals a need to reorient yourself toward community-based healing, growing, and investing. You’ve been taking a lot of responsibilities on lately (story of your Virgo life), but you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised by people who want to pour into you and take the weight off your shoulders. The question now is: will you let them?ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, this week’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio sheds light on your sector of money and self-esteem. It’s best to avoid making major financial decisions this week, especially since your planetary ruler Venus is spending its final six days in the at-times-indecisive sign of Gemini. This may be easier said than done though, as this eclipse has a particular sense of finality to it that can’t be ignored.

Pluto’s start of its retrograde in your fellow Air sign of Aquarius allows you to take a step back from micromanaging your goals, and instead embrace the unknown. This week you’ll find yourself mentally retracing your steps from the past decade or so, and perhaps feeling both nostalgic and strangely indifferent about it all. Embrace your contradictions and inner contrasts, Libra. It helps us all do the same.

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this week’s lunar eclipse in your sign takes place May 5 and revolutionizes so much of what you thought you’d be focused on this year. For the past two years, you’ve been navigating a series of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and now this is the final lunar eclipse in Scorpio you’ll experience this decade. As much as it may feel impossible for a Scorpio to relinquish control, that’s precisely what you’re being asked to do.

Whenever, or if ever, you start to feel overwhelmed by the emotional tsunami of this eclipse and retrograde season, tap into the more carefree energy coming from Venus in Gemini’s transit, combined with the peacefully-detached vibration of Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry. Cry-laugh your way through your iconic lunar eclipse week, Scorpio. Let it all out. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, this week, you may not feel as energized or confident as usual. You’re likely to feel moodier and sleepier. The Scorpio lunar eclipse is activating your sector of closure, healing, and spirituality. Whatever’s been on your mind subconsciously these past six months will have to be addressed during this eclipse week. This week you may explore tools to help you release inner and outer blockages.

Venus spends one more week in your opposite sign of Gemini (it shifts into Cancer on the 7th of May), so even though you’ll be traversing some spiritually intense times, the Universe wants you to remember that you don’t have to go through these times alone. Lean on your people for support, and let them know you’re there for them too. 

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, so much of this eclipse week is about being a patient observer. People all around you are likely to be acting irrationally due to the supercharged nature of the Scorpio full moon (which officially takes place on May 5 but will be felt as soon as the week begins). But as the most Saturnian and responsible sign of the zodiac, you’ve been able to ground yourself amidst the chaos. This will help you stay rooted as you navigate the waves of change that eclipse season brings.

Speaking of change, you’ll feel a shift in the cosmos due to Pluto retrograde beginning at the start of the week in the sign of Aquarius. Pluto represents transformation, and this retrograde activates your money sector. These next five months, Capricorn, your values and visions about growing wealth will radically change. You’ll be more focused on working smarter, not harder, and this approach will pay off.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, this week is quite astrologically-charged. Pluto, which has been in your sign since March 23, begins its five-month retrograde on May 1. It’s backtracking through the degrees of your sign until June 11, and then it’ll re-enter Capricorn until early 2024. This Pluto retrograde week, you may feel like you’re being confronted with old obstacles or challenges, but you’re being asked to face them using a new perspective.

Once the Scorpio eclipse strikes on the 5th, your career sector is lit up, and you may receive an award or significant honor either this week or next. This achievement is connected to seeds you planted during the Scorpio solar eclipse on October 25, 2022. Alternatively, since lunar eclipses represent endings, you may choose to let go of work that feels emotionally draining or deeply unfulfilling. Choosing yourself and your mental health is the way to go.


Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

How are you feeling, Pisces? This week’s Scorpio lunar eclipse could widen your imagination and have you in the mood to float off into La La Land… even more than usual. You may find it challenging to focus on mundane or practical affairs, especially due to Pluto beginning its retrograde in Aquarius as the month of May begins, and influencing your sector of spirituality and healing.

As much as you’d love to get into people’s minds and figure out what they’re going through, this week, you’re advised to pour that curiosity back into yourself, Pisces. With Jupiter, your planetary ruler, two weeks away from leaving the ambitious sign of Aries, you’re being asked to boldly reflect on what it is that you want and you need to feel fulfilled and overjoyed in the next season of your life. The choice is yours. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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