For instance, higher temperatures can indirectly lead to health problems like uterine prolapse.
“Women in rural, climate-affected communities often bear the brunt of physically demanding agricultural work, made more strenuous by climate change-related challenges like erratic weather and increased labor needs,” Seema Bhaskaran from the non profit Transform Rural India Foundation said. “While climate change doesn’t directly cause uterine prolapse, it magnifies the underlying health challenges and conditions that make women more susceptible to such health issues.”
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Despite this, women were dramatically underrepresented at last year’s conference.
“There is still a clear need for much broader (female) representation, in particular from geographies which will be most affected by climate change,” said One Young World Ambassador Anna Stanley-Radière to Glamour last year. “Their stories and lived experiences are powerful and their desire to evoke change strong, so we need to ensure their voice is heard.”
This year, active steps are being taken to ensure women’s voices are heard at the conference.
On November 10, in the run up to the conference, there was an information session in which the goals of the Gender and Climate Change team were laid out. The session is available to watch here:
From the 28th to 29th November, there will be a global conference on gender and environment data that will see UN representatives, policy makers and members of the Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition and the Gender Environment Data Alliance (GEDA) will discuss the impact of climate change on women around the world.
The conference will also feature “Gender Day” on December 4th. “The expected outcome is a shared understanding of opportunities and gaps in gender-responsive climate finance and gender just transition and the promotion of knowledge exchange to support gender-just climate action,” reads COP’s website.