Trust me, I’m a fitness trainer – gym breaks might actually be the key to boosting your physical and mental wellbeing

Trust me, I’m a fitness trainer – gym breaks might actually be the key to boosting your physical and mental wellbeing

I have a confession to make. I’m a fitness trainer and, this year, I’ve had more weeks off the gym than I’ve had training. I say it’s a confession because it’s something I imagine other people would be ashamed of. But not me – because I know that gym breaks are a normal and important part of our training life.

It all started at the beginning of the year when, just as everyone else was setting their January resolutions to get fitter, I came down with a case of gluteal tendonitis. The itchy and raging pain in my hip meant that I was off the weights, opting for Pilates workouts and gentle movement to try and rehabilitate the tissue.

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