These are the only 11 summer body care products *actually* worth your money—trust me, I’ve tried it all

These are the only 11 summer body care products *actually* worth your money—trust me, I’ve tried it all

When summer comes around, the hot weather brings with it a desire to show a bit more skin, so naturally, I start to focus on my body care regime a whole lot more. Of course, as luck would have it, summer also happens to be the time that I encounter the most problems with my skin – from dry patches to body acne – so the best summer body care products become a huge part of my beauty routine.

I’m not alone. Summer body care is currently trending on TikTok, with a recent growth of 1.2M views, and the ‘body skincare routine’ trend has increased by 1,025% since last year according to Pinterest’s trend report.

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