The ‘lip lift’ uses Botox instead of fillers to create fuller lips. But does it actually work, and is it safe?

The ‘lip lift’ uses Botox instead of fillers to create fuller lips. But does it actually work, and is it safe?

Before TikTok got hold of the “lip lift” cosmetic treatment trend, it was actually a professional term used to refer to the cosmetic surgery procedure that shortened the distance between the top lip and nose. However, search for ‘lip lift’ now and you’ll find that it’s been going viral for very different reasons. Using Botox to create the illusion of plumped-up lips, it’s being showcased as an alternative to dermal fillers.

But what’s the difference, is it safe and will it give you the same results you want it to? We went straight to the experts to demystify the mouth contouring cosmetic treatment. We are all about ‘your beauty, your rules’, so if you have zero interest in cosmetic treatments, you do you. If, however, you’re interested, read on for everything you need to know…

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What is a lip lift?

“A lip lift is basically a ‘lip flip’ which has been around for a long time but has been re-jigged as a new term,” admits award-winning aesthetician, Dr Ahmed El Muntasar. “It used to insinuate surgery but now it’s being used for Botox that’s injected just above the lip. This weakens the muscle that inverts the lip meaning you see more of the body of the lip because it ‘lifts’ up and outwards.”

Injecting above the upper lip near the cupid’s bow, around the edges of your mouth (the vermillion border) and near the corners, the injection sites remain the same as the dermal fillers but whereas dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid to ‘fill’ the lips, add volume, correct any unwanted asymmetry and add definition to the outline, Botox uses Botulinum toxin. Essentially paralysing the orbicularis oris muscle (the muscle just above the lips), the treatment keeps the lip completely relaxed when smiling ensuring it always appears at its fullest while also preventing a gummy smile.

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How are lip lifts performed?

Usually, cosmetic doctors use a small paediatric needle or cannula to inject dermal fillers and Botox into the lips. It’s a quick treatment that takes minutes rather than hours.

Are lip lifts painful?

The experts assure us that lip lifts using Botox don’t hurt. There is always the option to apply some numbing cream beforehand if you’re especially worried.

Is a lip lift safe?

According to the renowned ‘lip doctor’, Dr Esho, lip flip Botox is a high risk, minimal gain procedure in terms of the result. “For a lip flip to work you must ensure Botox only affects the superficial layer of the obicularis oris muscle,” he says. “If it enters the deeper layer (which I’ve seen many times) it can lead to weakening of the lip and in some cases full paralysis, losing the ability to smile, speak and difficulty in eating and drinking.”

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