The beauty pop-ups you need to visit before Christmas

The beauty pop-ups you need to visit before Christmas

Online shopping is undeniably convenient, but there’s nothing quite like the experience of holding a product in your hands. That’s why we love beauty pop-ups. They bring back the magic and give you a chance to access the brands you love in a much more 360 way. Sure the web might be able to ship a moisturiser to your door the next day, but you can’t feel it, smell it, shade match it or swatch it. So how do you know you’re going to love it?

Beauty pop-ups can elevate the whole experience. They give you a proper overview of hero products and brands, then take it a step further with activations and residencies that offer something a little extra. They can give brands that only exist online the chance to connect with customers in IRL and, on the flipside, they give customers the chance to gain expert advice and a better insight into which products to pick, alongside how to get the best out of them.

Now that we’re heading towards the holiday season and a New Year, you’ll likely find that some of your favourite brands are more inspired than ever to capture your attention.

Bring the festive cheer and tap into treat-yourself season with these innovative pop-ups.

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When: Until 14th January, 2024

Where: 173 Regent Street, London, W1B 4JQ

In celebration of Glossier’s best-selling perfume Glossier You, the brand unveiled a new pop-up in the heart of Central London to treat all the fragrance obsessives to a truly immersive experience, designed to awaken your senses of sight, touch, smell and sound in the most unique way possible. From the hypnotising ASMR room to the intriguing experience at the red booths (no spoilers here, because you have to be there to see just how interesting it is), to say that I was impressed would be an understatement. You’ll get to fully immerse yourself in the key components that went into the creation of Glossier You and also get a chance to stock up on the brand’s brand new merch – some of which includes the oversized red peppercorn mill and (my fav) the Glossier branded mini mic. A win-win. – Denise Primbet, GLAMOUR’s Beauty Commerce Writer.

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