Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Christmas card signals a bold new direction for the royal family

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Christmas card signals a bold new direction for the royal family

While it may be a familiar look to us normies, the Wales’ festival snap is actually quite unusual for the royal family, whose Christmas card photos tend to feature the famous family frolicking carefree through the foliage of one of their country estates. Some royal analysts have suggested that the more casual in-studio portrait is part of the monarchy’s mission to come across as more relatable. Not many people have access to a palatial backdrop or a picturesque country home, but they do, the thinking goes, have access to one of those high-street portrait studios.

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Since the death of Queen Elizabeth in September 2022, we’ve witnessed the Kate and William, as well as King Charles III and Queen Camilla, making strides to tone down the lavish displays of wealth and high society snobbery that have soured the public’s opinion of the monarchy in the last hundred years. For the Princess of Wales, this initiative has manifested as a more modern wardrobe of pantsuits, everyday denim, and a dialling down of pomp and circumstance wherever possible.

This article was originally published by GLAMOUR US.

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