I’m Unemployed, I Live In Jersey City, NJ & I Have $165,000 Of Debt

I’m Unemployed, I Live In Jersey City, NJ & I Have 5,000 Of Debt

Occupation: Senior Consultant (before I quit my job).
Industry: Consulting
Age: 38
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Salary: $0
Net Worth: -$146,900 ($17,075.66 in a HYSA and $2,520 in my checking. No 401(k), no retirement savings, no real estate, no assets, minus debt).
Debt: $165,534 ($134,634 in federal student loans, $17,338 in credit card debt and a consolidation loan of $13,562).
Paycheck Amount: $0 as I am currently unemployed.
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent: $2,900 for a two-bedroom/one-bath “luxe” apartment that is walkable to everything. I live by myself.
Student Loans: still deferred.
Consolidation Loan: $490
Utilities: $166
Cell Phone: $37.32 for my personal phone and $0 for my business phone due to a COVID discount I got in 2020.
Subscriptions: $288 (streaming services, Patreon, YouTube Premium, Adobe, Coursera, LinkedIn, Canva, job boards and online resume services).
Medications: $160 (I have to pay full price because I no longer have health insurance).

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