I’m Afraid My Asexuality Is Distancing Me From My Partner

I’m Afraid My Asexuality Is Distancing Me From My Partner

I believe I am some form of asexual. I have never really been sexually attracted to anyone and sex has never been a priority in my life. I’m completely content with not doing it often. I’ve given oral and fingered and helped with a vibrator, but we’ve never gotten around to using the strap-on we bought months ago. Both my partner and I are FTM trans, and I especially have a hard time with my body parts. I am not comfortable being reminded I have them, so I have avoided them and stuck to pleasuring myself in my own comfortable, low-tech way, which has made me super inexperienced with partnered sex. I’m working on that with myself to see if it helps with the two of us, but I move very, very slowly, and I think my partner is starting to believe I’m not trying hard enough.

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