I’m 36, I Have A Joint Income Of $426,000 & I Have A Trust Fund

I’m 36, I Have A Joint Income Of 6,000 & I Have A Trust Fund

Occupation: Nurse Practitioner
Industry: Healthcare
Age: 36
Location: Bay Area, CA
Salary: $176,000
My Husband’s Salary: $250,000 (Total compensation, including stocks. We don’t have joint finances technically, but we afford our lives because of each other so I included his salary.)
Net Worth: ~$1.5 million joint (Savings: $22,939.12, checking: $4,524, brokerage: $517,360 (shared with husband), 401(k): $108,448, current home value: $1.5 million (bought for $790,000 eight years ago) minus mortgage. My husband and I never officially combined finances, but we do own a home together and are financially intertwined. We have our own bank accounts and we each have our own bills that we cover. He covers the mortgage (which is in both our names), car payments, and one child’s preschool tuition, and our medical insurance is deducted pre-tax from his paycheck. I cover utilities, groceries, house cleaner, pet insurance, the other child’s after-school care/camp tuition, streaming subscriptions, and pretty much anything else household/child-related.)
Debt: Mortgage: $566,589 (husband pays monthly but home is in both of our names)
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $3,792.45
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: We live in a single-family home that we own with our two young children and a dog. My husband covers the mortgage ($3,000) and I cover most everything else housing related.
Peloton App: $44
Netflix/Disney/Hulu: $36
Gas/Electric: ~$250-$500
Water: $77
Garbage: $60
Donations: $40
House Cleaner: $360 (she comes weekly, and while it is a huge expense, it saves us so much stress)
Pet Insurance: $112
Daughter’s After-School Care: $400 (August-June)

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