I’m 35, I Have A $119,440 Joint Income & I Scored A Three-Bedroom Sublet For $1,000

I’m 35, I Have A 9,440 Joint Income & I Scored A Three-Bedroom Sublet For ,000

Occupation: Program director
Industry: Non profit
Age: 35
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
My Salary: $89,000
My Husband’s Temporary Income: ~$27,525 (My husband works in film and usually makes between $43,000 and $58,000 a year, but, due to the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes in the US, the vast majority of productions that shoot in Vancouver are not filming right now, so he’s collecting Employment Insurance and doing some very part-time design work, which he declares.)
Canada Child Benefit: $2,915
Combined Net Worth: $236,588 (my RRSP: $48,526; my TFSA: $20,280; my LIRA: $15,210; my FHSA: $290 — I just set this up last month — joint emergency savings: $47,243; joint savings: $37,670; car: $13,038; husband’s RRSP: $37,670; husband’s TFSA: $16,661. My husband and I combined our finances when we got married. We have a joint credit card and bank account and savings, which I manage, plus individual credit cards and separate investments.)
My Paycheck Amount (biweekly): $2,583
My Husband’s Employment Insurance Amount (biweekly): $797
My Husband’s Freelance Paycheck Amount (monthly): ~$724
Canada Child Benefit Amount (monthly): $243
Pronouns: She/her

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