I’m 27, I Make $65,000 & I Won The NYC Housing Lottery

I’m 27, I Make ,000 & I Won The NYC Housing Lottery

Occupation: Recruiting coordinator
Industry: Non-profit
Age: 27
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Salary: $65,000
Net Worth: −$20,000 (I don’t have any savings because all my money goes to my credit card debt).
Debt: $20,000 over four credit cards and one personal loan.
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $1,850
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent: $1,350 (I live alone in a rent-stabilized apartment I won through the NY Housing Lottery).
Electricity: ~$50
Personal Loan: $216
Cell Phone: $89
Wi-Fi: $90
Apple: $10 (Apple Music and Robux for my sister).
Netflix: $20 (for all other streaming services I use my friends’ accounts).

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