I’m 26, I Have A Joint Income Of $330,000 & I’m A Digital Nomad

I’m 26, I Have A Joint Income Of 0,000 & I’m A Digital Nomad

Occupation: Product Manager
Industry: Software
Age: 26
Location: Digital Nomad (US-based)
My Salary: $150,000
My Partner’s Salary: $180,000
Net Worth: ~$383,000 combined (401(k): $144,000, Roth IRA: $56,000, I-bonds: $31,000, cash: $68,000 (mostly in HYSA), stocks: $55,000, HSA: $7,000, car values: $22,000. I share finances and split all bills with my partner. We combine and split our income ~50/50 between the two of us. My partner has about $35,000 more than me to his name but we think of our net worth as combined and all of the above are our combined amounts).
Debt: $0 (we’ve paid off both cars and all student loans).
My Paycheck Amount (biweekly): $2,350
My Partner’s Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $3,500
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent: We are doing month-to-month rentals in different cities, which have averaged about $2,700 per month. This is cheaper than our rent in our original city so we are saving some money by traveling, especially because that includes utilities. All monthly expenses come from our joint accounts/directly from our paychecks.
401(k): $3,750 (combined).
Netflix: $16 (I pay for this family plan, my mom pays for Spotify and my partner’s family pays for Hulu and HBO).
Gym: $45
ESPP: $1,083 (just me, from my paycheck).
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $119
HSA: $579
Cell Phones: $100

Annual Expenses
Car Insurance: $1,050 (twice a year).
Roth IRA: $13,000

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