I found a stronger mind and body connection at the Body Camp

I found a stronger mind and body connection at the Body Camp

I can assure you, you will never go hungry but you will look forward to each meal. We had three meals a day as well as afternoon snacks to keep us fuelled. We enjoyed food such as epic almond cookie dough protein shakes, Chickpea and Cauliflower Korma, Thai green curry with coconut rice, Mushroom ‘scallops’ and even sweet treats such as a chocolate torte.

For the coffee lovers, you are not forced to go cold turkey, you have a coffee in the morning with plant-based milk for breakfast but beyond this we drank fruit and herbal teas to ensure internal equilibrium.

To give you a flavour, there is a new book launch showcasing 30 favourite camp recipes including healthy sauces, dressings and even mini magnums to further whet your appetite! 

A really lovely touch at each meal was that you were welcomed to your seat with an affirmation card which one person was nominated to read out to our fellow guests, this was a great way to reframe your thinking to a positive mindset.

Another element I loved, to ensure inclusivity throughout your stay, was that we were assigned seats at each meal around the table. This was a great way to encourage you to grow relationships with all guests instead of gravitating in cliques. You will find you build incredible bonds with your fellow retreaters through shared goals, vulnerability and teamwork so you leave with new found friendships.

In the evenings, after dinner activities included a Quiz night, taken very seriously with the temptation of a chocolate (plant-based, of course) pudding for the winners to look forward to. My favourite evening entertainment had to be the Bingo night hosted by Anthony aka Bingo Pete. His alter ego had us roaring with laughter, a brilliant team building exercise, with a competitive edge like no other! There was also a Karaoke night celebration on the last night, something I would normally love many cocktails down but this sober experience was liberating for us all.

On other nights you could watch a film in the movie area, retreat off early to bed or book yourself into treatments from Body Camp’s carefully selected holistic game changing therapy list. From sound healing to reiki, reflexology to global leading facialist Vanda Serrador or even mystic healing – they have it all to make a Body Camp stay truly life-transforming.

Mind Training

They are really clever at Body Camp Mallorca, subtly teaching us ways to carry things we learned home so we can enjoy our health well beyond our time in Mallorca.

Whether it be incorporating daily movement, reducing mindless scrolling, changing perspectives ‘did it happen to you or for you’ thinking about yo3ur values deeply or incorporating the ’10 doctors into your lifestyle’ there are many attainable healthy habits you can hold onto as well as easy negative habits to break once home with the new positive perspective you gain. You will leave feeling so healthy with a new shifted mindset so that alone is encouragement to keep going on your healthy journey.

This year, if you are looking for a more spiritual and intensified fitness week, the Body Camp’s team are bringing their infamous “Iconic Ibiza Programme” to Mallorca for two weeks in July. Expect breathwork, burning ceremonies, dynamic stretching and mobility, guided meditations, shamanic healing, energy work, and workshops on spiritual living.

Body Camp Mallorca opens April 7 and runs through until the end of September. Prices for a week’s stay start from £1,650 (runs Friday-Friday), which includes the programme, accommodation and all food and drink. www.thebodycamp.com.

Vueling, EasyJet and BA fly daily to Mallorca. Flights and transfers to camp not included.

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