My Lady Jane, we’re so sorry — the world simply wasn’t ready for you. The wildest historical romantasy series ever to hit our screens, Prime’s My Lady Jane, was a brief, bright beacon amongst a sea of dull period dramas — and it has officially been cancelled after just one season.
ICYMI, the premise of My Lady Jane was equal parts unhinged and genius: it’s a retelling of the story of Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader), the “nine days queen,” who succeeded the British throne after the death of her cousin, Edward VI (Jordan Peters) — but in this version, the country isn’t divided between Protestants and Catholics (how very dull!) but rather, between “Verities” (normal people) and “Ethians” (people who can shapeshift into animals. Jane is a total badass herbalist, while her enemies-to-lovers husband, Guildford (Edward Bluemel), is a horse-by-day, man-by-night. I told you — it’s completely nuts and I loved every minute.
Jonathan Prime
When the show was officially cancelled after its first season, its star, Ed Bluemel (aka horseman Guildford) had a full on horse-themed meltdown on Instagram, posting horsey memes, horsey BTS pics, horsey DMs and a screenshot of a Google image search for “sad horse.” Bluemel evidently feels the loss of the bonkers show as much as we do. After all, after My Lady Jane, other romances just don’t hit the same. What do you mean they’re just ordinary people who can’t shapeshift into horses?? Where is the fun in that???
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