From olive-toned green to yolky yellow—a transitional guide to tonal dressing

From olive-toned green to yolky yellow—a transitional guide to tonal dressing

Between dopamine, colour-blocking and monochrome dressing, colours (or lack thereof) have dominated fashion trends for several years but 2024 has encouraged a new wave of saturation and approach to dressing in the form of tonal dressing.

Characterised by a head-to-toe colour palette in a mix of varying shades, it’s become a refined and contemporary way to dress and celebrate the rich colours in our arsenal. This season has birthed a generous handful of hues, spanning khaki and olive green, to yellows and least forgetting red in all its rouge glory, so what better way to lean into these new trends than by wearing (in most cases) top-to-toe ensembles in one colour.

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