For the perfect seaside ceremony, shop these 23 beach wedding dresses

For the perfect seaside ceremony, shop these 23 beach wedding dresses

If you’re looking for beach wedding dresses, it’s time to call off the search. GLAMOUR has ticked one thing off your never-ending to do list of wedmin and rounded up the most beautiful beach wedding dresses for 2023 ceremonies and beyond. You’re more than welcome.

Obviously it’s your big day and you should pick whatever style you’d like to say ‘I do’ in, but beach wedding dresses tend to have a more relaxed silhouette, a softer romantic shape and delicate details than what you might choose if you’re marrying in a church or stately home. Lace, little ruffles, embroidery and beading, on an array of fabrics includig silk, satin, tulle and chiffon would all look stunning for a coastal wedding ceremony.

There are practical considerations that brides getting wed nearer dry land won’t ever have to deal with, – like, will you have the ceremony on sand, pebbles or in the water? You might like to steer clear of maxi dresses so your gown doesn’t drape in the sea… but, then again, there is something super-romantic about waves lapping at your feet and train… Either way, we have options (with plenty of short wedding dress styles included.) We’ve listed all the sizes, lengths and fabric composition of the dresses in our edit below – prepare to be swept away.

Want more wedding dresses to choose from? We’ve found square neck wedding dresses, halterneck wedding dresses, boho wedding dresses, maternity wedding dresses, high-street wedding dresses and long-sleeve wedding dresses. For more from Glamour UK Fashion Director at large Alex Fullerton, follow her on Instagram @alexandrafullerton.

If you’re ready to find The One, scroll through our edit of the 23 best beach wedding dresses…

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