Bye bye bacne! After using this new body care range for 2 weeks my skin has never been clearer or softer

Bye bye bacne! After using this new body care range for 2 weeks my skin has never been clearer or softer

Summer body care is trending hard right now, with an impressive growth of 1.2 million views on TikTok recently. So it seems extremely fitting that Isle of Paradise has introduced a body care range which consists of two sets of body scrubs, cleansers and body creams, all aiming to brighten, soften and clear the skin.

Team MC UK simply raves about the Isle of Paradise tanning products (from the tanning waters and face tan drops to the new Sunny Serum – in our opinion every product is a hit), so to say I was excited that the brand was releasing a body care range would be an understatement.

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