August’s super blue moon is coming – here’s what it means for your star sign

August’s super blue moon is coming – here’s what it means for your star sign

Let go of: An old routine that feels soul destroying!


Positive change in your life, trying a new approach, exploring your shadows, trying something new, feeling focussed, developing a new obsession, falling in lust, transforming your world, becoming who you really are, escaping a power struggle, standing strong in your own power at last.

Let go of: An old version of you that no longer fits!


Saying ‘Yes’, falling in love, teaming up in business, meeting someone new, spending one-on-one time with someone, rediscovering a friendship, realising you’re better together, making time for someone you’ve neglected, finding a mentor/agent/partner, becoming more connected to others.

Let go of: Damaging patterns as you step in to a better version of love.


Starting over at work, applying for a job, going freelance, finding focus, feeling inspired, changing your daily routine, working hard, getting healthy, quitting an unhealthy habit, diarising exercise, making time for the things that matter to you, working smarter not harder.

Let go of: A habit that’s holding you back.


Getting creative, doing more of what you love, turning a passion into a project, putting yourself out there, learning to love the spotlight, becoming more YOU, enjoying yourself, making social plans, flirting, falling in love, spending time doing something you loved doing as a child.

Let go of: Doubters, haters and self-sabotage.


Moving out or moving on, deciding what home really means to you, creating your own version of family, exploring ideas about where you want to live, spending time with your mother (or other family), renovating or decorating, laying down roots, building a foundation for your life.

Let go of: Drama, doubt, people who make you feel less than.


Big conversations, better communication, talking things through, telling your story, being honest about how you feel, writing, speaking, gathering a crowd, connecting with people on your wavelength, spending time with siblings, making a big idea into a reality.

Let go of: The lies you tell yourself… the truth will set you free.


Getting your finances in order, knowing your worth, asking for more, investing in yourself/your goals/your appearance, feeling lucky, betting big, knowing you’re on to a good thing, prioritising a dream, spending wisely.

Let go of: lack mentality …for good.


Putting yourself first, choosing again, deciding who you want to be and how you want to live, switching up your style, prioritising what makes you happy, soft launching a new version of yourself, feeling more comfortable in your own skin, finding freedom.

Let go of: People who don’t support the new you.


Slowing down, taking time out, spending time alone, working on a project that means a lot to you, getting spiritual, healing a past hurt, getting closure on your own terms, seeking solace in yoga or meditation, embracing an ending as a potential new beginning.

Let go of: A past hurt as you move forwards.

The Astrology Almanac by Emma Howarth is published by Leaping Hare Press (7 September 2023) and out now.

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