As a beauty expert I test sunscreen for a living and these 3 formulas are my go-tos this summer

As a beauty expert I test sunscreen for a living and these 3 formulas are my go-tos this summer

As a beauty editor, I’m a sunscreen lover, but it wasn’t always that way. Thanks to my rosacea, I’ve worn sunscreen every day for about six years. Before then, it was more something I reserved for holidays only. This was, in part, because I didn’t realise just how much damage the sun could inflict and partly due to a lack of chic and enjoyable-to-use SPF formulas. There were more options out there but I still didn’t have anything in my stash I could honestly say I looked forward to using in my daily routine.

Fast forward to today and the most full-to-the-brim area in my beauty cupboards are my three sunscreen baskets. It’s one of the products I test the most in my job and so I’d like to think I know an excellent formula when I try one.

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