A top expert answers – can you do Pilates effectively at home without spending money on equipment?

A top expert answers – can you do Pilates effectively at home without spending money on equipment?

When I first started my journalism career at Women’s Health magazine, HIIT was the go-to workout of the moment. Every morning, my Instagram feed would be flooded with sweaty gym-goers smashing out burpees and box jumps in snazzy, dimly lit studios. The conception seemed to be that the harder you worked and the more exhausted you felt post-workout, the more effective your session was. But thankfully, opinions have since shifted, and this year, low-impact (yet highly effective) Pilates workouts have taken the top spot.

Search for the workout is at breakout on Google, meaning it’s being searched in seriously high volume and more than ever before. Wondering why the previously forgotten form of movement is having such a moment RN? Well, besides the celebrity endorsements (Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner and Lori Harvey are regularly papped leaving high-end Pilates studios, and Harry Styles is even said to be a fan), it can be done from anywhere.

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