64 sad movies that will have you crying in the best way possible

64 sad movies that will have you crying in the best way possible

Sad movies are something we all need every once in a while. I mean, who doesn’t love a good tear-jerker? Whether you’re looking for an epic tragedy that will leave you bawling, a life-affirming heroic tale, or a cry-off-your-mascara romance, a good weep can be the solution to all your problems. So get those tissues, get under the duvet and let those feels do their thing because we’ve trawled our favourite streaming services to bring you the best sad movies to cry your heart out to.

One film that’s 100% guaranteed to make you cry is Past Lives, without a doubt. Nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, this movie takes star-crossed lovers and tearjerker status to a whole new level. The Impossible, starring Naomi Watts, is based on one family’s journey navigating the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Don’t miss out on sci-fi sad film Never Let Me Go, where Andrew Garfield, Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley play clones whose lives remain intertwined forever, for better or worse.

Other weep-worthy movies on Netflix include triple Oscar-winner (and absolute sob-fest) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Seven Pounds (double sob-fest), and Marriage Story with Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver (so much of a sob fest you’ll need a new pack of Kleenex).

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Let’s not forget the absolute classic, Dear John (from Nicholas Sparks, the same author behind The Lucky One), with Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. If you are looking for a repeated cry, then, of course, there are some of the classics, including Titanic.

Looking for a non-sad movie that won’t put as much of a dent in your Kleenex supply? Check out GLAMOUR’s guide to feel-good films, the best rom coms and best chick flicks of all time… But in the meantime, here is our list of the best 64 sad movies. Warning: do not attempt without a large tub of ice cream and tissues within easy reach.

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