25 films about witches that will leave you spellbound

25 films about witches that will leave you spellbound

Films about witches have been a favourite ‘dark’ element for Halloween movie storytellers for decades. From the classic witch with her green skin, warts, and long crooked nose stirring spells in her cauldron to the cartoonish version of broomsticks and pointy hats to everyday folks with a dark secret, witches have been injected into countless movies over the years.

Whether they come in the form of evil, such as the Sanderson Sisters in Hocus Pocus and Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent, or those that just want to use their powers to do good, such as Hermoine Granger in Harry Potter and Sabrina, The Teenage Witch, there are all sorts of bewitching movies that have been available for us. And if you want things to get seriously chilling, there are movies such as The Blair Witch Project and Suspiria, which we’ll be watching tentatively behind our cushions.

So, if you’re over ghosts, monsters and vampires and need something a little bit more spellbinding, here are the best 25 films about witches to watch for the spooky season.

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