11/11 Is Here & It’s Packed With The Power Of Angel Numbers

11/11 Is Here & It’s Packed With The Power Of Angel Numbers

November 11 is the most auspicious day of the month. Why is that? It’s because of the numerological significance of the angel number 1111 (which derives from 11/11). 

The number 1111 represents hope and the beginning of a vision and, as such, brings a profound energy to us. The number one represents divinity and beginnings, so 1111 is a vital sequence that urges us to lean into our own power and start implementing our visions. It brings positivity to all we do and propels us forward. Therefore, 11/11 is an amazing day to make our dreams come true by taking action towards our goals. The universe is paying attention to what we want and desire, which gives our intentions power at this moment in time. All we have to do is believe in ourselves, as well as our incentives, and let the universe do its magic. 

On the astrological front, Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde in Taurus on the 11th, followed by the Sun in Scorpio aspecting Uranus retrograde in the 13th. This offers us the chance to start anew by taking on our passions with gusto and optimism. And with the New Moon in Scorpio shaking up our lives two days later on November 13, it’s time we alchemised some fresh energy. The journey begins now. Are you ready?

How and what to manifest on 11/11 by zodiac sign: 


Your finances have been in flux, which is why fiduciary stability is vital. A great way to bring money into your life is to write down the amount you wish to attain. Keep the check in your wallet at all times and do not cash it or throw it away. Seeing the check everyday will help you in attracting money and prosperity. 


Although you aren’t one to take risks when it comes to romance, the universe is urging you to express your heartfelt sentiments to your significant other or your crush. Don’t be shy in letting them know how you feel. This could bring the beginning of a beautiful relationship or highlight the amazing aspects of being committed. Write a meaningful letter or email to put your emotions out there. 


Since you’re always wheeling and dealing, due to your Mercurial nature, it’s time to make a pact with the universe. Draft a proposal stating what you wish to bring into your life with step-by-step plans about how to make these visions real. Be clear on the terms and conditions in an effort to be concise about what you are currently bringing into your personal world.


Build a rich life by changing the vibe at home. Cleansing the energy in your dwelling by placing fresh lavender flowers on countertops and using obsidian crystals to banish negativity. Clean with intention. Rearrange furniture to shift the energy. Clearing out items that you’re no longer using will create space for newness and room to grow. Be mindful when doing these activities. 


Craft your own manifestation song by making up lyrics based on a personal affirmation. You can also create a playlist on iTunes or Spotify that gets you into the spirit. Choose songs that encourage you to embrace and enhance your artistry and talents — as well as your awesome self. These ditties will help you to see and to understand how powerful and amazing you are.


Put your analytical skills to use when manifesting your hopes and goals. Journal your innermost visions to ensure they come true. Write as if you are living in the future to help you envision the dream. Wording is extremely important. Instead of stating “I wish” or “I want,” try “I can” or “I am.” 


A vision board is a great way to integrate your artistry into the manifestation process. Focus on curating images that will boost your self-esteem. Use sayings, pictures, and colors that inspire you. Keep a digital collage on your phone as a screensaver or create a collage by hand. Look at the vision board to call in your intentions.


Infuse passion into yourself. Gaze at yourself in the mirror while stating your attributes out loud. Speak with confidence and conviction. Recite these messages twice a day (after you wake up and before going to bed) to make the vibes you are speaking an integral part of your being. The more you believe in yourself, the easier it is to bring your aspirations into reality. 


This is an opportune moment to mend your heart. The first step in doing so is to forgive yourself. Remember, you did the best that you could and deserve to give yourself credit for the good you do. Healing the past clears the roadblocks that have been holding you back from achieving your goals. This will open the pathway for awesomeness to come towards you. 


Since you often put your professional life on a pedestal, it’s vital to plant seeds (literally!) that can help evolve your career. Your earthy sign will enjoy burying seeds in your backyard or bringing a plant to your office. As you water, talk to the plants or seeds and let them know about your aspirations. As the leaves blossom, so will your career. 


Giving your time and energy to a humanitarian organization will remind you that we are all connected and that acts of kindness can help in keeping you grounded. This allows you to have realistic expectations and aspirations. Paying it forward also allows you to see that small intentions have the potential to go a long way since it affects the world on a large scale. 


Get out of your comfort zone by taking the road less traveled to work or by trying something new. This will open your eyes to all of the opportunities that are available to you — if you don’t hold yourself back. Allow yourself to be expansive, bold, and daring. Then, you can use the wisdom you’ve gained as a part of creating your own vision.

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