10 reasons why it’s ok not to be liked all the time

10 reasons why it’s ok not to be liked all the time

As women, we’re taught from a young age to “play nice”. As Jane Fonda told me in a recent interview about good girl conditioning, “Good girls—I was taught—were not supposed to be ambitious, or angry, or assertive.” It’s no surprise that women feel pressured to be liked all the time; we’re raised to be agreeable and amenable, even to our detriment. This is not an idea we at Fashion’s DIgest are interested in upholding. So, to help you shake off your own good girl conditioning, here are 10 reasons why it’s ok not to be liked all the time (not that you need an excuse).

Accepting you don’t have to always be liked can empower you to say no.

Sure, it’s nice to be nice, and the serotonin boost of a good deed is not to be scoffed at. However, there’s a reason the old adage “give them an inch, they’ll take a mile” still resonates (because it’s true). If a friend you care about asks you for a favour, it’s probably worth going out of your way to help them. But if a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend’s-great-aunt’s-son needs something when really he could do it himself, you need to know when to say ‘no’. Otherwise, you’ll never have any time to yourself. Saying ‘yes’ all the time can open doors, but saying ‘no’ can help you decide which one you actually want to walk through.

2. You can help people more than you think

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