Wispy bangs are the easy, low-maintenance way to try a fringe

Wispy bangs are the easy, low-maintenance way to try a fringe

As for styling? That depends on how much time you’re willing to spend on them. For a lazy girl-friendly style, opt for air drying. “You can air dry for a messier look, which works really well with wispy bangs, just use your fingers to separate them,” says Jenna.

For a slightly more complicated styling technique, use a round brush and blow dryer for maximum volume, she says. “Apply a volumiser and round brush up to give volume to show off the texture. Velcro rollers can also be used in place of round brush.”

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Prefer a straightener? Perfect: That’s what Dan suggests. “Style with a flat iron tilting the iron towards the face slightly to give a proper bang bounce and setting with a curler to cool. Once it’s set, finish with your favourite setting spray.”

In terms of products, Rogerio recommends stocking up on a light hold leave-in-conditioner and texturising spray. “This works best to not weigh the hair down,” he says.

Still feeling torn about whether or not to get a fringe? Consider Rogerio’s parting words. “It’s a fun way to change up your look, so go for it,” he concludes. “It’s hair, it grows back!”

Authentic Beauty Concept Beachy Texture Spray

Danielle Sinay is the associate beauty editor at GLAMOUR US. Follow her on Instagram @daniellesinay.

This feature originally appeared on GLAMOUR US.

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