We’ve found 17 girls weekend getaway ideas for the reunion trip of dreams

We’ve found 17 girls weekend getaway ideas for the reunion trip of dreams

If you’ve got a long-overdue girls weekend away on the cards, then look no further than these 17 destinations. Whether its a staycation or long haul girl’s holiday you’ve been toying with the idea of, let this guide be your deciding factor: it’s time to get it booked.

We all know how much of a mission it is to organise said expedition – made only marginally easier by Doodle polls and shared calendars – and to get everyone to agree on a date and book something. Is there really not a single weekend between now and July 2052 that we can all be free? UGH.

Even once you’ve found a date for your girls’ weekend, finding a destination that excites each and every one of you is the next task. One of your friends wants a fast-paced city break in Barcelona (find our hotels in Barcelona here) while another wants a relaxing spa stay in the countryside, and the third is after a boozy weekend break at one of the best hotels in the UK she’ll definitely not remember. It’s all about compromise. And don’t get us started on cost – when everyone earns different amounts of money its inevitable that everyone will have different budgets. It’s a logistical nightmare!

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If you’re the one taking the leading role in planning some upcoming girly weekends away, we salute you. It’s no mean feat, but luckily, we’re here to make your job a little easier. Good karma, and all that.

We’ve spent days scouring the web for girls weekend trips (or spots for a girly week-long holiday, if that’s more your jam). From there, we whittled down the best Airbnb accommodation options to simply the best, most stylish and most affordable in each place. The result? A carefully compiled edit of the best places to stay on your girls weekend away for the rest of the year.

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