The viral White Lotus theory could actually have a subtle second meaning – and it makes a lot of sense

The viral White Lotus theory could actually have a subtle second meaning – and it makes a lot of sense

The White Lotus season 3 has officially started, and while we only have one episode it hasn’t stopped viewers from dissecting every last detail. Mike White’s award-winning show is back with a bang, and that one short-and-sweet hour has already spurred a thousand and one questions. Yes, we all want to know who has been taken out in this season, but, importantly – will Chelsea’s boyfriend ever crack a smile? Where the hell did Greg come from? And what is up with the strange dynamic between the Ratliff siblings?

An interesting theory has surfaced about Saxon, Piper and Lochlan over the last few days, and it makes a lot of sense. One Redditor, howiemandelrey, has pointed out that an image of the siblings on the boat draws parallels to the ‘three wise monkeys’, a Japanese maxim symbolising the rejection of negative thoughts, words and deeds in Buddhist tradition. The theory goes: “The still of the three siblings sitting on the boat is see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil (Saxon with sunglasses, Piper with headphones, Lac mouth covered by drink).”

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