The Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask is the reason I have great skin

The Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask is the reason I have great skin

Before use, you should make sure your face has been cleansed and dried – and is free of any skincare products or makeup. This is really important: skincare products will block the LED light from absorbing into the skin.

Inside there are 100 red-mode LEDs and 62 blue ones; you can use them separately or together for a total of three treatments, depending on which benefits you want to focus on. While you can certainly harness all the benefits by turning both sets of LEDs on, it’s helpful to know what each is meant to do.

“Red light has anti-inflammatory properties, while blue light helps lower levels of acne-causing bacteria on your skin,” says Zeichner. According to Weiser, red light also stimulates collagen production, while amber light (included in the red LEDs) helps decrease sun damage. The latter isn’t meant to target your breakouts but rather improve the smoothness and evenness of your skin— and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Does the Dr Dennis Gross LED face mask help with acne?

Yes. The Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask is the type of daily product that works as an acne treatment and prevention in one, provided you’re patient and consistent.

“It will work better for inflammatory blemishes but it can help heal and restore all acne-prone skin,” says Weiser. “Acne should show early signs of improvement in two to four weeks of light therapy, but it will take two to three months of consistent treatment for optimal results.” (The brand also states upfront that a proper course of treatment should last at least 10 weeks, although you’ll start seeing the benefits well before that).

Dr. Dennis Gross DRx SpectraLite FaceWare Pro

Another benefit of adding this to your skincare routine is that it both works with and amplifies whatever you’re already using; in fact, you’ll see more results if you pair it with your usual regimen. Zeichner recommends it in conjunction with common topical ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, while Weiser notes that you can combine it with oral medications like birth control or spironolactone. Two things it can’t cure? Congested pores (for blackheads, try these K-beauty sheet masks instead) and everyone’s least favourite form of breakout, cystic acne.

Zeichner concedes that the technology might help reduce the size of some acne cysts, but it can’t go further than that. “Cystic acne is triggered by hormones, so light therapy alone is often not sufficient because it is not treating the underlying hormonal trigger,” says Weiser. Those exceptions aside, you do get to enjoy plenty of upsides in one sleek package. I particularly like that it does its thing in a scant three minutes, without my having to lift a finger (after powering it on, that is).

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How often should you use the Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask?

The Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask is designed to safely include in your skincare routine with one three-minute treatment. You can’t use it for more than three minutes at a time, as the brand says that skin cells become fully saturated after one three-minute session, and can’t absorb any additional LED energy.

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