Kim Kardashian upstages Kendall Jenner’s viral cucumber moment with hilarious tissue box tutorial

Kim Kardashian upstages Kendall Jenner’s viral cucumber moment with hilarious tissue box tutorial

Kim Kardashian has upstaged her sister Kendall Jenner when it comes to the Queen of hilarious memes.

Remember earlier this year when supermodel Kendall sent the internet into a frenzy with her, ahem, *unique* way of cutting cucumbers during an episode of The Kardashians? Well, social media fans of the famous clan thought Kim’s latest video, which was shared on her new home accessories SKKN Instagram account, gave similar comedic vibes.

Promoting her new £99 tissue box, the mother-of-four thought it was vital to give a tutorial on how to use it correctly. “Alright, I’m going to show you guys how to put the tissue in the tissue box just in case no one knows because the box doesn’t fit inside”, she began during her demonstration.

Kim added: “So you take the lid off, and then you open this, and you take the tissue out and just put it in.” Once the lid was positioned back on top of the box, she continued: “And then you grab it, and another piece is there.”

Reassuring fans she would be using the tissue shared in the demo, Kim, who looked sensational in her all-grey loungewear, pointed out: “I’m not gonna waste these. I’m gonna keep them over here. But there you have it, and there is the beautiful tissue holder.”

While Kim Kardashian seemed super chuffed with herself at her detailed tutorial, her comments section was filled with comments from amused followers, who couldn’t resist pointing out that placing a tissue into a tissue box was a basic task that didn’t need a step-by-step explanation.

Drawing comparisons to her sister Kendall, one person commented: “Perhaps you can do a cucumber cutting tutorial next?” while another joked: “Reminds me Kendall and how to cut a cucumber.” Someone else added: “Whoever needs instructions on how to do this needs to get off the internet and go back to school ffs,” while a fourth sarcastically said: “WOW thank goodness theres an instructional.” Hilarious!

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Going back to Kendall’s cucumber-cutting antics, her sister Khloe Kardashian spoke of the viral moment weeks later, admitting on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast: “Oh, my God, she’s, like, not happy about that. I feel so bad.”

However, like a truly supportive sister, Khloe added: “I’m like, ‘Kendall, God is fair. You’re the most beautiful human being in the world. You have wild-looking toes. God bless. And you can’t cut a f***king cucumber. The world is good. Because she’s like … how can you be this f***king perfect? She has this perfect life, this perfect dog, she’s a gazelle of a human being, she walks the runway, she’s all these amazing things. You can’t cut a f***king cucumber?” Preach.

Cucumbers and tissue boxes aside, our message to the Kardashians is that you don’t really have anything to worry about because you all are already doing amazing, sweeties!

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