It’s 2024 — Why Isn’t Every Workplace A Period-Positive One?

It’s 2024 — Why Isn’t Every Workplace A Period-Positive One?

Sonya Passi is the founder and CEO of FreeFrom, an organization for survivors of gender-based violence, and CHANI, an astrology app. Both companies offer a period-positive environment for their workers — but they also offer much more than that when it comes to their wellbeing. CHANI has a salary floor of $80,000; fully covered health, dental and vision insurance, unlimited menstrual leave, paid and protected leave for employees experiencing gender-based violence, unlimited PTO with a vacation stipend, a wealth-building stipend and a four-day workweek. Passi tells Refinery29 that period-specific policies like menstrual leave and free products can’t exist in a silo and have “to be part of a broader culture around wellness and employee wellbeing, otherwise it doesn’t make sense and folks don’t trust it.” 

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