Industry: Behavioral Health
Age: 34
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
My Salary: $42,246
My Husband’s Salary: $70,242
Net Worth: $149,490 (my pension: ~$21,123, my husband’s pension: $105,698, my savings: $3,772, my husband’s savings: $3,397, RRSP: $1,131, house: ~$265,400. We bought our house for $275,365 in 2020, but it’s now valued at $452,640, and we have paid $37,720 into it. I drained my RRSP when purchasing it using the Home Buyers’ Plan credit. I can pay back the withdrawn funds in 13 years, but I’m paying it back a little at a time.)
Debt: $251,030 ($830 on my personal credit card, $12,564 for our car loan, and $237,636 remaining on our mortgage.)
My Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $1,072.76 (after taxes and deductions)
My Husband’s Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $1,629 (after taxes and deductions)
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $1,508.80 (I pay $377.20 of this total, because T. makes quite a bit more than me. Otherwise, we split expenses most of the time).
Car Loan: $414.92
Gym: $148
Phone: $63 (my phone is paid off; this is for service).
Health & Dental Benefits: $198.43 (T. has our family benefits deducted from his paychecks).
Childcare: $339–$415 (the total varies based on the number of days a month we need).
Heat Pumps: $83
Car & Home Insurance: $150.88
Apple Music Family Subscription: $15.10 (I share with my husband, dad, and two friends).
Crave: $3.77 (my friends and I share payment).
Netflix: (I mooch off my parents).