She continued, “What really bothers me are the fake doctors in the comments saying ‘oh, you have this’ or ‘you might have this condition.’ No. What if I’m just fat? What if this is just my body? Bodies are not all designed to be slim with a six-pack, you know what I mean?”
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When she shut down offensive rumours that she “killed someone” by stage-diving…
In July 2021, Lizzo took to TikTok to put the trolls firmly back in their place. She said, “So, I’ve seen a lot of annoying things about me on the internet but the thing that bothers me the most is this rumour that I stage dived at a concert and killed somebody.”
She continued, “Like, that rumour, it’s a lie, first of all. I’ve never stage dived in my life and b*tch, how, like killed somebody? Y’all really gon’ put that on my mtherf*cking name? Like, I know I’m big but b*tch, I’m not that f*cking big.”
When she called out people for not liking her because of her size…
In August 2021, Lizzo appeared on The Zane Lowe Show and shared her opinions on the body positivity movement, saying, “People saying shit about me that just doesn’t even make sense. It’s fat-phobic, and it’s racist, and it’s hurtful.
“If you don’t like my music, cool. If you don’t like ‘Rumors,’ the song, cool. But a lot of people don’t like me because of the way I look.”
She also said, “It’s like it doesn’t matter how much positive energy you put into the world, you’re still going to have people who have … something mean to say about you. And for the most part, it doesn’t hurt my feelings—I don’t care. I just think when I’m working this hard, my tolerance gets lower. My patience is lower. I’m more sensitive, and it gets to me.”
She then added, “I’m only going to focus on positive comments from here on out. I don’t have time for your negativity, your internalised self-hatred that you project onto me with your racism and fatphobia. I don’t have time for it. Anyways, I’m going to continue to be me. I’m going to continue to be a bad b[*]tch.”
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When she reflected on a guy who used to body-shame her…
Lizzo loves a good TikTok trend, and she took the “It’s so bad, I wanna give you a 0…” trend (look it up) to the next level by sharing an old photo of her taken when she was dating someone who was cruel about her appearance, with the caption, “He showed my pictures to his friends and they said my ‘face is nice but my body needs work’. 🚩🚩🚩✋🏾 Now I’m the happiest I’ve ever been! You can’t please everyone.. so just please yourself!”
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Happy birthday, Lizzo!
For more from Glamour UK’s Lucy Morgan, follow her on Instagram @lucyalexxandra.
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