Did Glossier You Really Change, Or Is It Just Me?

Did Glossier You Really Change, Or Is It Just Me?

My thoughts: The Glossier You Rollerball is a sleeper hit. Like, wow. I don’t understand how this is so much better than the solid, but the Glossier You rollerball screams. For me, the rollerball is the closest to the original formulation of all the ones I tried here, and it smells completely different from the solid. This one feels like the most concentrated of the bunch, which you’d never expect from a rollerball. It may be me, but I’ve always felt that rollerballs were kind of the last of the dregs in the vessel after they refill the spray bottles. I’m probably wrong about this, and watch me write a whole story about it next month — that’s why I was wondering about the difference between perfume formulations, too. But the rollerball formula is the exact example of leaving a scent in your wake. Wearing this, I felt like little scent wiggles were following me everywhere I went, which is fun for a Saturday at the farmer’s market. This is the rollerball that made me rethink rollerballs. Oh, and for those who hate rollerballs out of concern that they’re going to leak everywhere, this one has been in my bag for a week and the cap hasn’t fallen off, nor has a drop dripped out.

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