13 ways to have a more sustainable Christmas

13 ways to have a more sustainable Christmas

The Grinch was no angel, but he was right about one thing: we consume way too much at Christmas. It’s estimated that the UK produces 30% more waste than usual over the festive season, which is hardly surprising given the amount of wrapping paper, unwanted presents, and leftover turkey that seem to dominate the big day.

Between the stress of cramming in last-minute Christmas shopping and the excitement of the numerous merry festivities, it’s all too easy to let our standards slip when it comes to sustainability around this time of year. And before you know it, your fairy lights have taken over your electricity bills, you’ve splurged on a glittery (not to mention itchy) dress, and you’ve scraped a mountain of unwanted leftovers into the bin.

Luckily, a few savvy swaps (plus a more mindful approach to shopping) are all it takes to start reducing our waste this Christmas. Here’s GLAMOUR’s guide to having your most sustainable Christmas yet – without compromising on style (or spirit).

93 best Christmas gifts for literally everybody you have to buy for

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